Unveiling 202-873-2990: Origin, Misconceptions, Phone Call Scams, Safety Tips, and More

| Updated on September 19, 2024

Living in an era where scams and unsolicited calls run rampant, it could be difficult to avoid phone call shams as they tug on personal feelings. One such phone call scam that is seemingly on the rise is 202-873-2990. 

Originally, 202-873-2990 was used by various credible organizations in Washington, D.C., but due to the frequent ownership changes, attackers started using it for deception and fraudulent activities.

If you have also received a call from this number and are left with many questions, scroll through this blog and learn everything about the phone number and how to protect yourself from it. So, let’s jump in!

The Origins of 202-873-2990

202-873-2990 has indeed sparked curiosity among people, and it all leads to its origin that can be traced back to Washington, DC.

The 202 in 202-873-2990 is the area code for Washington, D.C., the region widely known for hosting various governmental agencies and organizations for telecommunication purposes. 

These numbers often change ownership due to telecommunication reassignment policies, which makes it challenging to locate the owner. Due to this, the credible business of telecommunications has now turned into a sham campaign run by individuals using innocent people for wrongful acts.

However, the purpose of this number remains unclear. Many think that telemarketers use it for marketing, while some believe that scammers use this number to appear trustworthy in front of their target.

202-873-2990: Who Owns it?

202-873-2990 has recently been the topic of attention, as users wonder what it means and who is behind that number.

Many individuals have received unsolicited calls from this number in the past, but the caller always remained unknown.

Reports say that 202-873-2990 is often associated with scams or telemarketing attempts. Some claim that there are various organizations behind it, while others believe it is used for phishing attempts and deceiving users to gather personal information.

Regardless of that, you must remember that it’s pretty easy for criminals to spoof numbers, and thus, you must stay vigilant at all times when dealing with unknown numbers like 202-873-2990.

Common Misconceptions and Rumors About 202-873-2990

As mentioned in the earlier section, there are many misconceptions and rumors surrounding 202-873-2990; the majority of the hints lead toward telemarketing and spam.

Although many people think the calls from these unknown numbers are always malicious, this isn’t the case every time.

Individuals also assume that answering the call from 202-873-2990 will deduct unwanted charges from their phone bill, which is just a baseless rumor. This rumor was spread through online platforms, and thus it is a bit exaggerated.

Some also believe that if you receive countless calls from a number, it might be something urgent, as telemarketers don’t do spam calling. 

However, receiving relentless calls from a number doesn’t prove the legitimacy of the caller, as scammers often change their tactics to pressure the users to give in.

Thus, you must tread carefully and tell apart the myths from the truth to ensure your safety.

How to Protect Yourself From 202-873-2990 Scams?

Now that we know the possible dangers of 202-873-2990 and the related scams, the next step is to learn how to protect ourselves. Here are some tips that will help you.

  • Stay Aware: To decipher which number is malicious, you must know 202-873-2990 scams.
  • Do not Disclose Personal Information: When a scammer calls you through this number, do not disclose any personal information, such as personal information, social security, or bank details.
  • Use Call-blocking Apps: If you are receiving constant calls from 202-873-2990, consider blocking the number using call-blocking apps. These apps can filter spam numbers even before they reach you.
  • Report to Local Authorities: If you encounter a suspicious call from this number, make sure to report it to local authorities and share your experience. Doing so can save the other victims from falling into the same trap.

What to Do if You Receive a Call From 202-873-2990?

If you receive a call from 202-873-2990, follow the steps mentioned below to remain safe.

  • Stay calm and carefully assess the situation before doing anything.
  • If the caller on the other side sounds suspicious, hang up the call. Make sure to trust your instincts in these situations.
  • If required, block the number on your phone.
  • Do not engage in conversation or disclose personal information, even if the caller sounds too friendly.
  • Report the call using information such as time of day, caller ID, and the conversation recording to help the authorities track down the number and its previous activities.
  • Stay aware and educate your family members about scams related to 202-873-2990.


With the rise in phishing scams, it has become vital to learn about the various spam numbers, such as 202-873-2990. Learning about its origin and ownership can get rid of the unsettling feeling and give you peace of mind.

Moreover, learning about these numbers can help you tell apart the misconceptions and the truth while avoiding unnecessary calls from 202-873-2990 in the future.

If you encounter such calls, remember to stay calm and use the above-mentioned tips to avoid falling prey to malicious intent.


What does the 202-873-2990 phone number mean?

202-873-2990 is used in Washington, D.C., by various governmental agencies and organizations. However, it is often used for phishing and scams to force the users to give in personal information.

Is 202-873-2990 a legal number?

Although 202-873-2990 is widely used for social security scams, the legitimacy of the number remains unclear, as its ownership changes frequently due to telecommunication reassignment policies.

What do I do if I receive a call from 202-873-2990?

If you receive a call from 202-873-2990, stay calm, do not disclose personal information, block the number, and report the number if necessary.

Monika Chauhan

Tech and Internet Writer

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